HotIf / HotIfWin...

Specifies the criteria for subsequently created or modified hotkey variants and hotstring variants.


HotIf "Expression"
HotIf Callback




If omitted, blank criteria will be set (turns off context-sensitivity). Otherwise, the criteria will be set to an existing #HotIf expression. The expression is usually written as a quoted string, but can also be a variable or expression which returns text matching a #HotIf expression.

Note: The HotIf function uses the string that you pass to it, not the original source code. エスケープシーケンスはスクリプトのロード時に解決されるため、結果の文字のみが考慮されます。例えば、HotIf 'x = "`t"'HotIf 'x = "' A_Tab '"はどちらも#HotIf x = "`t"に相当します。

For an example, see #HotIf example #5.



If omitted, blank criteria will be set (turns off context-sensitivity). Otherwise, the criteria will be set to a given function object. Subsequently-created hotkeys and hotstrings will only execute if the callback returns a non-zero number. This is like HotIf "Expression", except that each hotkey and hotstring can have many hotkey variants or hotstring variants (one per object).

The callback accepts one parameter and can be defined as follows:

MyCallback(HotkeyName) { ...

Although the name you give the parameter does not matter, it is assigned the hotkey name or hotstring name.

You can omit the callback's parameter if the corresponding information is not needed, but in this case an asterisk must be specified, e.g. MyCallback(*).


For an example, see example #2 below or Hotkey example #6.


HotIfWinActive WinTitle, WinText
HotIfWinExist WinTitle, WinText
HotIfWinNotActive WinTitle, WinText
HotIfWinNotExist WinTitle, WinText


WinTitle, WinText


If both are omitted, blank criteria will be set (turns off context-sensitivity). そうでないときは、<e1>WinTitle</e1>に <a2>ウィンドウタイトル</a2>またはターゲットウィンドウを識別するための<a2>他の基準</a2>、および/または<e3>WinText</e3>にターゲットウィンドウの単一のテキスト要素からの部分文字列(付属のWindow Spyユーティリティを使えばわかります)を指定します。Depending on which function is called, affected hotkeys and hotstrings are in effect only while the target window is active, exists, is not active, or does not exist.

パラメータは関数が呼び出される前に評価されるため、変数への参照はその時点で永続的なものとなります。In other words, subsequent changes to the contents of the variable are not seen by existing hotkeys and hotstrings.


For an example, see example #1 below.


An exception is thrown if HotIf's parameter is invalid, such as if it does not match an existing expression or is not a valid callback function.


The HotIf and HotIfWin functions allow context-sensitive hotkeys and hotstrings to be created and modified while the script is running (by contrast, the #HotIf directive is positional and takes effect before the script begins executing). 事例:

HotIfWinActive "ahk_class Notepad"
Hotkey "^!e", MyFuncForNotepad  ; メモ帳でのみ動作するホットキーを作成します。

Using HotIf or one of the HotIfWin functions puts context sensitivity into effect for all subsequently created hotkeys and hotstrings in the current thread, and affects which hotkey variants the Hotkey function modifies and which hotstring variants the Hotstring function modifies. Only the most recent call to the HotIf or HotIfWin function in the current thread will be in effect.

To turn off context sensitivity (such as to make subsequently-created hotkeys and hotstrings work in all windows), call HotIf or one of the HotIfWin functions but omit the parameters. 事例:HotIf または HotIfWinActive.

Before HotIf or one of the HotIfWin functions is used in a hotkey or hotstring thread, the Hotkey and Hotstring functions default to the same context as the hotkey or hotstring that launched the thread. In other words, Hotkey A_ThisHotkey, "Off" turns off the current hotkey even if it is context-sensitive. All other threads default to creating or modifying global hotkeys and hotstrings, unless that default is overridden by using HotIf or one of the HotIfWin functions during script startup.

When a mouse or keyboard hotkey is disabled via HotIf, one of the HotIfWin functions, or the #HotIf directive, it performs its native function; that is, it passes through to the active window as though there is no such hotkey. However, controller hotkeys always pass through, whether they are disabled or not.

Hotkeys, Hotstrings, Hotkey function, Hotstring function, #HotIf, Threads

Similar to #HotIf example #1, this creates two hotkeys and one hotstring which only work when Notepad is active, and one hotkey which works for any window except Notepad. The main difference is that this example creates context-sensitive hotkeys and hotstrings at runtime, while the #HotIf example creates them at loadtime.

HotIfWinActive "ahk_class Notepad"
Hotkey "^!a", ShowMsgBox
Hotkey "#c", ShowMsgBox
Hotstring "::btw", "This replacement text will occur only in Notepad."
Hotkey "#c", (*) => MsgBox("You pressed Win-C in a window other than Notepad.")

    MsgBox "You pressed " HotkeyName " while Notepad is active."

Similar to the example above, but with a callback.

HotIf MyCallback
Hotkey "^!a", ShowMsgBox
Hotkey "#c", ShowMsgBox
Hotstring "::btw", "This replacement text will occur only in Notepad."
Hotkey "#c", (*) => MsgBox("You pressed Win-C in a window other than Notepad.")

    if WinActive("ahk_class Notepad")
        return true
        return false

    MsgBox "You pressed " HotkeyName " while Notepad is active."