

If Expression




if (expression)のように、式が開括弧で始まる場合、ifの後のスペースは任意です。

OTB(One True Brace)スタイルはオプションで使用することができます。事例:

if (x < y) {
    ; ...
if WinExist("Untitled - Notepad") {
if IsDone {
    ; ...
} else {
    ; ...


Expressions, Ternary operator (a?b:c), Blocks, Else, While-loop

A_Indexが 100 より大きい場合、リターンします。

if (A_Index > 100)

A_TickCount-StartTimeの結果が2*MaxTime+100の結果より大きい場合、"Too much time has passed. "と表示し、スクリプトを終了します。

if (A_TickCount - StartTime > 2*MaxTime + 100)
    MsgBox "Too much time has passed."


  1. Colorが「Blue」または「White」という単語である場合:
    1. Show "The color is one of the allowed values.".
    2. スクリプトを終了させます。
  2. それ以外の場合、Colorが"Silver"である場合:
    1. Show "Silver is not an allowed color.".
    2. それ以上のチェックを停止します。
  3. それ以外:
    1. Show "This color is not recognized.".
    2. スクリプトを終了させます。
if (Color = "Blue" or Color = "White")
    MsgBox "The color is one of the allowed values."
else if (Color = "Silver")
    MsgBox "Silver is not an allowed color."
    MsgBox "This color is not recognized."


MyVar := 3
if (MyVar > 2)
    MyVar++, MyVar := MyVar - 4, MyVar .= " test"
MsgBox MyVar  ; Reports "0 test".

Similar to AutoHotkey v1's If Var [not] between Lower and Upper, the following examples check whether a variable's contents are numerically or alphabetically between two values (inclusive).

Checks whether var is in the range 1 to 5:

if (var >= 1 and var <= 5)
    MsgBox var " is in the range 1 to 5, inclusive."

Checks whether var is in the range 0.0 to 1.0:

if not (var >= 0.0 and var <= 1.0)
    MsgBox var " is not in the range 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive."

Checks whether var is between VarLow and VarHigh (inclusive):

if (var >= VarLow and var <= VarHigh)
    MsgBox var " is between " VarLow " and " VarHigh "."

Checks whether var is alphabetically between the words blue and red (inclusive):

if (StrCompare(var, "blue") >= 0) and (StrCompare(var, "red") <= 0)
    MsgBox var " is alphabetically between the words blue and red."

Allows the user to enter a number and checks whether it is in the range 1 to 10:

LowerLimit := 1
UpperLimit := 10
IB := InputBox("Enter a number between " LowerLimit " and " UpperLimit)
if not (IB.Value >= LowerLimit and IB.Value <= UpperLimit)
    MsgBox "Your input is not within the valid range."

Similar to AutoHotkey v1's If Var [not] in/contains MatchList, the following examples check whether a variable's contents match one of the items in a list.

Checks whether var is the file extension exe, bat or com:

if (var ~= "i)\A(exe|bat|com)\z")
    MsgBox "The file extension is an executable type."

Checks whether var is the prime number 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 or 11:

if (var ~= "\A(1|2|3|5|7|11)\z")
    MsgBox var " is a small prime number."

Checks whether var contains the digit 1 or 3:

if (var ~= "1|3")
    MsgBox "Var contains the digit 1 or 3 (Var could be 1, 3, 10, 21, 23, etc.)"

Checks whether var is one of the items in MyItemList:

; Uncomment the following line if MyItemList contains RegEx chars except |
; MyItemList := RegExReplace(MyItemList, "[\Q\.*?+[{()^$\E]", "\$0")
if (var ~= "i)\A(" MyItemList ")\z")
    MsgBox var " is in the list."

Allows the user to enter a string and checks whether it is the word yes or no:

IB := InputBox("Enter YES or NO")
if not (IB.Value ~= "i)\A(yes|no)\z")
    MsgBox "Your input is not valid."

Checks whether active_title contains "Address List.txt" or "Customer List.txt" and checks whether it contains "metapad" or "Notepad":

active_title := WinGetTitle("A")
if (active_title ~= "i)Address List\.txt|Customer List\.txt")
    MsgBox "One of the desired windows is active."
if not (active_title ~= "i)metapad|Notepad")
    MsgBox "But the file is not open in either Metapad or Notepad."