ComObjArray() [v1.0.91+]

Creates a SafeArray for use with COM.

ArrayObj := ComObjArray(VarType, Count1 , Count2, ... Count8)


The base type of the array (the VARTYPE of each element of the array). The VARTYPE is restricted to a subset of the variant types. Neither the VT_ARRAY nor the VT_BYREF flag can be set. VT_EMPTY and VT_NULL are not valid base types for the array. All other types are legal.

See ComObjType for a list of possible values.


The size of each dimension. Arrays containing up to 8 dimensions are supported.

Return Value

This function returns a wrapper object containing a new SafeArray.


Array wrapper objects support the following methods:

Array.MaxIndex(n): Returns the upper bound of the nth dimension. If n is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Array.MinIndex(n): Returns the lower bound of the nth dimension. If n is omitted, it defaults to 1.

Array.Clone() [v1.0.96.00+]: Returns a copy of the array.

Array._NewEnum() [v1.0.96.00+]: Not typically called by script; allows for-loops to be used with SafeArrays.

Observações Gerais

Array wrapper objects may also be returned by COM methods and ComObjActive(). Scripts may determine if a value is an array as follows:

if ComObjType(obj) & 0x2000
    MsgBox % "Array subtype: " . ComObjType(obj) & 0xfff
    MsgBox Not an array.

Arrays with up to 8 dimensions are supported.

[v1.0.96.00+]: Since SafeArrays are not designed to support multiple references, when one SafeArray is assigned to an element of another SafeArray, a separate copy is created. However, this only occurs if the wrapper object has the F_OWNVALUE flag, which indicates it is responsible for destroying the array. This flag can be removed by using ComObjFlags().

[v1.1.17.00+]: When a function or method called by a COM client returns a SafeArray with the F_OWNVALUE flag, a copy is created and returned instead, as the original SafeArray is automatically destroyed.

ComObjType(), ComObjValue(), ComObjActive(), ComObjFlags(), Array Manipulation Functions (MSDN)


Simple usage.

arr := ComObjArray(VT_VARIANT:=12, 3)
arr[0] := "Auto"
arr[1] := "Hot"
arr[2] := "key"
Loop % arr.MaxIndex() + 1
    t .= arr[A_Index-1]
MsgBox % t

Multiple dimensions.

arr := ComObjArray(VT_VARIANT:=12, 3, 4)

; Get the number of dimensions:
dim := DllCall("oleaut32\SafeArrayGetDim", "ptr", ComObjValue(arr))

; Get the bounds of each dimension:
Loop %dim%
    dims .= arr.MinIndex(A_Index) " .. " arr.MaxIndex(A_Index) "`n"
MsgBox %dims%

; Simple usage:
Loop 3 {
    x := A_Index-1
    Loop 4 {
        y := A_Index-1
        arr[x, y] := x * y
MsgBox % arr[2, 3]