
Returns from a subroutine to which execution had previously jumped via function-call, Gosub, Hotkey activation, GroupActivate, or other means.

Return , Expression



This parameter should be omitted except when return is used inside a function.

Since this parameter is an expression, all of the following are valid examples:

return 3
return "literal string"
return MyVar 
return i + 1
return true  ; Returns the number 1 to mean "true".
return ItemCount < MaxItems  ; Returns a true or false value.
return FindColor(TargetColor)

Known limitation: For backward compatibility and ease-of-use, the following two examples are functionally identical:

return MyVar
return %MyVar%

In other words, a single variable enclosed in percent signs is treated as a non-expression. To work around this, make it unambiguously an expression by enclosing it in parentheses; for example: return (%MyVar%).


If there is no caller to which to return, Return will do an Exit instead.

There are various ways to return multiple values from function to caller described within Returning Values to Caller.

Functions, Gosub, Exit, ExitApp, GroupActivate


The first Return separates the hotkey from the subroutine below. If it were not present, pressing the hotkey would cause Sleep 1000 to be executed twice.

MsgBox The Win-Z hotkey was pressed.
Gosub MySubroutine

Sleep 1000