
Changes the script's escape character (e.g. accent vs. backslash).

Deprecated: This directive is not recommended for use in new scripts. Use the default escape character (accent/backtick) instead.

#EscapeChar NewChar



Specify a single character.


The escape character is used to indicate that the character immediately following it should be interpreted differently than it normally would.

The default escape character is accent/backtick (`), which is at the upper left corner of most English keyboards. Using this character rather than backslash avoids the need for double blackslashes in file paths.

See Escape Sequences for a complete list of sequences and its results (e.g. `n would produce a linefeed character).

Like other directives, #EscapeChar cannot be executed conditionally.

The following rarely used directives also exist; their usage is shown in these examples:

#DerefChar #  ; Change it from its normal default, which is %.
#Delimiter /  ; Change it from its normal default, which is comma.

Deprecated: These directives are not recommended for use in new scripts. Use the default dereference character (percent) and the default delimiter character (comma) instead.


Changes the default escape character (`) to backslash.

#EscapeChar \