For use with the Progress, GUI, and SplashImage commands. The column "Exists Since" represents the first Windows version in which the font was included. Common monospaced (fixed-width) fonts in this table are Consolas, Courier, Courier New, Fixedsys, Lucida Console and Terminal. The availability of some fonts may depend on the language of the operating system.
Recommend Fonts are highlighted in yellow. Note that fonts recommended here are fonts which are readable and have been included since Windows XP or earlier. Using such fonts ensures that they are displayed on most operating systems.
By default, the table is sorted by font names in ascending order. To sort the table by another column or in another order, click on a column header.
Font Name | Mainly Designed For | Exists Since |
Aharoni | Hebrew | 2000 |
Aldhabi | Arabic | 8 |
Andalus | Arabic | 2000 |
Angsana New | Thai | XP |
AngsanaUPC | Thai | XP |
Aparajita | Indic | 7 |
Arabic Typesetting | Arabic | Vista |
Arial | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 95 |
Arial Black | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 |
Arial Nova | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 10 |
Bahnschrift | Latin | 10 |
Batang | Korean | 2000 |
BatangChe | Korean | Vista |
Browallia New | Thai | 2000 |
BrowalliaUPC | Thai | 2000 |
Calibri | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista |
Calibri Light | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8 |
Cambria | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista |
Cambria Math | Symbols | Vista |
Candara | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista |
Comic Sans MS | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 95 |
Consolas | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista |
Constantia | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista |
Corbel | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista |
Cordia New | Thai | 2000 |
CordiaUPC | Thai | 2000 |
Courier | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 95 |
Courier New | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 95 |
DaunPenh | Other | Vista |
David | Hebrew | 2000 |
DengXian | Chinese | 10 |
DFKai-SB | Chinese | 2000 |
DilleniaUPC | Thai | 2000 |
DokChampa | Other | Vista |
Dotum | Korean | Vista |
DotumChe | Korean | Vista |
Ebrima | African | 7 |
Estrangelo Edessa | Other | XP |
EucrosiaUPC | Thai | 2000 |
Euphemia | Other | Vista |
FangSong | Chinese | Vista |
Fixedsys | Latin | 95 |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | XP |
FrankRuehl | Hebrew | 2000 |
FreesiaUPC | Thai | 2000 |
Gabriola | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 7 |
Gadugi | Other | 8 |
Gautami | Other | XP |
Georgia | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 2000 |
Georgia Pro | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 10 |
Gill Sans Nova | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 10 |
Gisha | Hebrew | Vista |
Gulim | Korean | 2000 |
GulimChe | Korean | Vista |
Gungsuh | Korean | Vista |
GungsuhChe | Korean | Vista |
HoloLens MDL2 Assets | Symbols | 10 |
Impact | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 |
IrisUPC | Thai | 2000 |
Iskoola Pota | Other | Vista |
JasmineUPC | Thai | 2000 |
Javanese Text | Javanese | 8.1 |
KaiTi | Chinese | 2000 |
Kalinga | Other | Vista |
Kartika | Other | XP |
Khmer UI | Other | 7 |
KodchiangUPC | Thai | 2000 |
Kokila | Other | 7 |
Lao UI | Other | 7 |
Latha | Indic | XP |
Leelawadee | Thai | Vista |
Leelawadee UI | Thai | 8.1 |
Levenim MT | Hebrew | 98 |
LilyUPC | Thai | 2000 |
Lucida Console | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 |
Lucida Sans | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 98 |
Malgun Gothic | Korean | Vista |
Mangal | Indic | XP |
Marlett | Symbols | 95 |
Meiryo | Japanese | Vista |
Meiryo UI | Japanese | 7 |
Microsoft Himalaya | Other | Vista |
Microsoft JhengHei | Chinese | Vista |
Microsoft JhengHei UI | Chinese | 8 |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Other | 7 |
Microsoft PhagsPa | Other | 7 |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 2000 |
Microsoft Tai Le | Other | 7 |
Microsoft Uighur | Other | Vista |
Microsoft YaHei | Chinese | Vista |
Microsoft YaHei UI | Chinese | 8 |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Other | Vista |
MingLiU | Chinese | Vista |
MingLiU_HKSCS | Chinese | Vista |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | Chinese | Vista |
MingLiU-ExtB | Chinese | Vista |
Miriam | Hebrew | 2000 |
Miriam Fixed | Hebrew | 2000 |
Modern | Latin | 95 |
Mongolian Baiti | Other | Vista |
MoolBoran | Other | Vista |
MS Gothic | Japanese | 2000 |
MS Mincho | Japanese | 2000 |
MS PGothic | Japanese | Vista |
MS PMincho | Japanese | Vista |
MS Serif | Latin | 95 |
MS Sans Serif | Latin | 95 |
MS UI Gothic | Japanese | Vista |
MV Boli | Other | XP |
Myanmar Text | Other | 8 |
Narkisim | Hebrew | 2000 |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro | Latin | 10 |
Nirmala UI | Indic | 8 |
NSimSun | Chinese | Vista |
Nyala | African | Vista |
Palatino Linotype | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 2000 |
Plantagenet Cherokee | Other | Vista |
PMingLiU | Chinese | 2000 |
PMingLiU-ExtB | Chinese | Vista |
Raavi | Indic | XP |
Rockwell Nova | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 10 |
Rod | Hebrew | 2000 |
Roman | Latin | 98 |
Sakkal Majalla | Arabic | 7 |
Sanskrit Text | Other | 10 |
Script | Latin | 98 |
Segoe MDL2 Assets | Symbols | 10 |
Segoe Print | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista |
Segoe Script | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista |
Segoe UI | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | Vista |
Segoe UI Emoji | Symbols | 10 |
Segoe UI Historic | Other | 10 |
Segoe UI Light | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 7 |
Segoe UI Semibold | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 7 |
Segoe UI Semilight | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8 |
Segoe UI Symbol | Symbols | 7 |
Shonar Bangla | Indic | 7 |
Shruti | Indic | XP |
SimHei | Chinese | 2000 |
Simplified Arabic | Arabic | 2000 |
Simplified Arabic Fixed | Arabic | 2000 |
SimSun | Chinese | 2000 |
SimSun-ExtB | Chinese | Vista |
Sitka Banner | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 |
Sitka Display | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 |
Sitka Heading | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 |
Sitka Small | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 |
Sitka Subheading | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 |
Sitka Text | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 8.1 |
Small Fonts | Latin | 95 |
Sylfaen | Other | XP |
SÃmbolo | Symbols | 95 |
System | Latin | 95 |
Tahoma | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 95 |
Terminal | Latin | 95 |
Times New Roman | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 95 |
Traditional Arabic | Arabic | 2000 |
Trebuchet MS | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 2000 |
Tunga | Indic | XP |
UD Digi Kyokasho N-B | Japanese | 10 |
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-B | Japanese | 10 |
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-R | Japanese | 10 |
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-B | Japanese | 10 |
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-R | Japanese | 10 |
UD Digi Kyokasho N-R | Japanese | 10 |
Urdu Typesetting | Arabic | 8 |
Utsaah | Indic | 7 |
Vani | Indic | 7 |
Verdana | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 95 |
Verdana Pro | Latin, Greek, Cyrillic | 10 |
Vijaya | Indic | 7 |
Vrinda | Indic | XP |
Webdings | Symbols | 98 |
Wingdings | Symbols | 95 |
Yu Gothic | Japanese | 8.1 |
Yu Gothic UI | Japanese | 8.1 |
Yu Mincho | Japanese | 8.1 |