
Compares a value with multiple cases and executes the statements of the first match.

Switch SwitchValue, CaseSense
Case CaseValue1:
Case CaseValue2a, CaseValue2b:



If this and CaseSense are omitted, the first case which evaluates to true (non-zero and non-empty) is executed. Otherwise, SwitchValue is evaluated once and compared to each case value until a match is found, and then that case is executed.

If there is no matching case and Default is present, it is executed.


型:String or Integer (boolean)

If omitted, it defaults to On. Otherwise, specify one of the following values, which forces all values to be compared as strings:

On または 1 (true):各比較は大文字と小文字を区別する。

Off または 0 (false):Each comparison is not case-sensitive, i.e. the letters A-Z are considered identical to their lowercase counterparts.

Locale: Each comparison is not case-sensitive according to the rules of the current user's locale. 例えば、英語や西欧のロケールでは、A~Zの小文字だけでなく、ÄやÜなどの非ASCII文字も小文字と同じように扱われることがほとんどです。Localeは、比較する文字列の性質によって、Offの1~8倍遅くなります。


The value to check or compare depending on whether SwitchValue is present.





各ケースは最大20の値をリストすることができる。各値はでなければならないが、リテラル数値、引用符で囲まれた文字列、変数などの単純なものでもよい。Case and Default must be terminated with a colon.

The first statement of each case may be below Case or on the same line, following the colon. Each case implicitly ends at the next Case/Default or the closing brace. 他のいくつかの言語で見られるswitch文とは異なり、暗黙のフォールスルーはなく、Breakは(ループを囲むループから抜け出す場合を除き)使用されない。

すべてのケースは同じブロックで囲まれているため、あるケースで定義されたラベルは、別のケースからのGotoのターゲットになることができる。However, if a label is placed immediately above Case or Default, it targets the end of the previous case, not the beginning of the next one.

Default is not required to be listed last.

If, Else, Blocks

Compares a number with multiple cases and shows the message box of the first match.

switch 2
case 1:MsgBox "no match"
case 2:MsgBox "match"
case 3:MsgBox "no match"

The SwitchValue parameter can be omitted to execute the first case which evaluates to true.

str := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
case InStr(str, "blue"):MsgBox "false"
case InStr(str, "brown"):MsgBox "true"
case InStr(str, "green"):MsgBox "false"

この例をテストするには、[の後に以下の略語の1つ、その他の5文字、または Enter/Esc/Tab/.を入力するか、4秒間待つ。

    ih := InputHook("V T5 L4 C", "{enter}.{esc}{tab}", "btw,otoh,fl,ahk,ca")
    switch ih.EndReason
    case "Max":
MsgBox 'You entered "' ih.Input '", which is the maximum length of text'
    case "Timeout":
MsgBox 'You entered "' ih.Input '" at which time the input timed out'
    case "EndKey":
MsgBox 'You entered "' ih.Input '" and terminated it with ' ih.EndKey
    default:  ; Match
        switch ih.Input
        case "btw":Send "{backspace 3}by the way"
        case "otoh":Send "{backspace 4}on the other hand"
        case "fl":Send "{backspace 2}Florida"
        case "ca":Send "{backspace 2}California"
        case "ahk":
Send "{backspace 3}"
            Run "https://www.autohotkey.com"