Compares a value with multiple cases and executes the statements of the first match.
Switch SwitchValue, CaseSense { Case CaseValue1: Statements1 Case CaseValue2a, CaseValue2b: Statements2 Default: Statements3 }
If this and CaseSense are omitted, the first case which evaluates to true (non-zero and non-empty) is executed. Otherwise, SwitchValue is evaluated once and compared to each case value until a match is found, and then that case is executed.
省略したときの初期値はOnです。Otherwise, specify one of the following values, which forces all values to be compared as strings:
On または 1 (true):各比較は大文字と小文字を区別する。
Off or 0 (false): Each comparison is not case-sensitive, i.e. the letters A-Z are considered identical to their lowercase counterparts.
Locale: Each comparison is not case-sensitive according to the rules of the current user's locale. 例えば、英語や西欧のロケールでは、A~Zの小文字だけでなく、ÄやÜなどの非ASCII文字も小文字と同じように扱われることがほとんどです。Localeは、比較する文字列の性質によって、Offの1~8倍遅くなります。
The value to check or compare depending on whether SwitchValue is present.
や ==
各ケースの最初の文は、Caseの下か、コロンに続く同じ行に書くことができる。各ケースは、次のCase/ Defaultまたは閉じ中括弧で暗黙のうちに終了する。他のいくつかの言語で見られるswitch文とは異なり、暗黙のフォールスルーはなく、Breakは(ループを囲むループから抜け出す場合を除き)使用されない。
Compares a number with multiple cases and shows the message box of the first match.
switch 2 { case 1: MsgBox "no match" case 2: MsgBox "match" case 3: MsgBox "no match" }
The SwitchValue parameter can be omitted to execute the first case which evaluates to true.
str := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" switch { case InStr(str, "blue"): MsgBox "false" case InStr(str, "brown"): MsgBox "true" case InStr(str, "green"): MsgBox "false" }
この例をテストするには、[の後に以下の略語の1つ、その他の5文字、または Enter/Esc/Tab/.を入力するか、4秒間待つ。
~[:: { ih := InputHook("V T5 L4 C", "{enter}.{esc}{tab}", "btw,otoh,fl,ahk,ca") ih.Start() ih.Wait() switch ih.EndReason { case "Max": MsgBox 'You entered "' ih.Input '", which is the maximum length of text' case "Timeout": MsgBox 'You entered "' ih.Input '" at which time the input timed out' case "EndKey": MsgBox 'You entered "' ih.Input '" and terminated it with ' ih.EndKey default: ; Match switch ih.Input { case "btw": Send "{backspace 3}by the way" case "otoh": Send "{backspace 4}on the other hand" case "fl": Send "{backspace 2}Florida" case "ca": Send "{backspace 2}California" case "ahk": Send "{backspace 3}" Run "" } } }